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A Brief Illustrates Guide to Understanding Islam.pdf
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Islam muslims arab illustrated guide understand

Oct 23, 2012

A Brief Illustrates Guide to Understanding Islam - pdf


Right, you're going to help me understand why Muslims are so afraid of a school girl that they think shooting her in the head on her way home from school is an honorable thing - you keep trying topenz but the actions of Muslims keep proving to me that this is a toxic religion that bears only evil fruit. Stay away.
Islam is belief in socialism long before Marx, Engels and Lenin. And as in any socialism it suppresses personality, political freedom and turns people into cogs. As any false theory it has to fight aggressively for hearts and minds against any opposition.
The schoolgirl was shot by Taliban supporters, who advocate an extreme form of Islam. Just as you wouldn't want to live "Jesus Camp" style, most muslims are not interested in living under the Taliban either. Then again, the Jesus Campers aren't showing up armed in your neighbourhood demanding your allegiance or threatening you with death. Nonetheless, thank you for uploading.

mantikor777 you stay away from my page. What you do not want to understand is how a religion can live more than 1400 years and still others entering it if it was like you said. I am not defending Islam. Islam does not need me. I need Islam to regulate my life everywhere and every second. I do not know this girl or why some ignorant killed her. This does not account on Islam. If you choose to hate Islam keep like this. If you believe in freedom let me do and believe what I am sure of. Do not accuse a whole religion by mad behavior of ignorant Taliban. Forty years ago, some Scholars in Egypt asked the official authorities to send some religion people to Afghanistan to teach Taliban the right rules of Islam. The accident of this girl will never stop Islam from spreading everywhere if you lhke it or not.

If you are very sorry for this girl, tens of innocent people are killed by USA in this area everyday. You are repeating this story everywhere. Keep like this or better kill yourself for her. She was not killed for or by Islam. She was killed by ignorant and retarded people either muslims or not in these tribes. Islam is very far from this. That is why ignorant people have to read about it. And I am free to do or try what I want, if you believe in personal freedom.

Taliban is related to the Arab word Talib meaning Student. Thirty years ago, those ignorant Taliban bombed and destroyed two statues of Budha claiming that was for Islam. This is pure ignorance. Tembles and Statues of the Pharoes remained the same in Egypt since the enterance of Islam forteen hundred years ago up till now, because nobody worships stones or statues in Islam.

Saying that Islam is belief in socialism is reflecting complete ignorance of what you are talking about. On the contrary Islam is near moderate capitalism that keeps the the rights of the poor through Zakah. At the same time, rich people are having all their money so long they do Zakah (around one over forty from their money are given to the poor yearly). This is far from socialism and communism.
". . . or kill yourself for her . . ." This is the message you have for me? Again, this does not sound like a message of peace - violence and savagery and war. Time and again, all we hear from Islam is death, not peace, not life, not love.
you are talking badly about my believes ( a toxic religion that bears only evil fruit. Stay away). And now you take of peace and love. Try another game.
By the way I have no message for you or even one letter. Hate, rage, insults, and whatever you write, I have no reply for this. You keep your ideas BUT I have all the right to keep mine too. One girl disturbed you all that much and hundreds of MUSLIMS are killed everyday in Burma, Afghanistan and many other countries and the next one will be Mali in Africa and you do not see it. (It is not the eyes that are blind, but the hearts inside your chests--Quran said)
Summer 2012 was marked by a new outbreak of the massacre of Muslims committed by the Buddhist regime in Burma (Myanmar). The Buddhists occupied the Rakhan state where about 1.8 million rohingya Muslims live.

All this happens in modern times, today, but neither the UN nor the countries of so-called Western democracy, nor the puppet regimes in so-called "Islamic" countries bother about it. Up till now, 20,000 Muslims have been already massacred in Burma.
After reading the Quran a bit, I was a bit surprised to find out that Islam is the EXACT same religion as Judaism and Christianity...

...although I did know before that they are all the Abramic religions.

For instance, Muslims believe Jesus was a major prophet (just not the son of God or that he was crucified)... and also Muslims believe in the Bible and the Torah, so long as it does not disagree with the Quran.

From what I understand, the Muslims that are killing because Mohammed was insulted are actually doing something Mohammed himself warned against... that is worshiping Mohammed rather than worshiping God... this is also the reason Mohammed did not want his image displayed, i.e. to prevent people from worshiping his image rather than worshiping God (Allah).

So in that sense, the Muslims that are killing over this and that are not following Islam any more that the Christians and Jews that lie, cheat and steal are following Judaism or Christ.

I'm an Atheist these days but I just thought I would point some this stuff out.

IMO it's the Muslim clerics that are responsible for the people doing terrible things in the name of Islam, to the extent that they are teaching things contrary to Islam to those that are illiterate... however those that CAN read are themselves responsible for not bothering to understand their own religion, just as those literate Christians and Jews are responsible for not understanding their own versions of the religion.

Which speaks to one of the reasons I'm an Atheist these days, LOL
I think also that it's useful here to point out that there were thousands of people that marched in the streets in Afghanistan in support of Malala (the girl that was shot) and showed their anger at those that shot her.

Malala may very well be the one that defeats the Taliban simply because they showed their true colors by attacking an unarmed 14 year old girl.
I think it would also be useful to point out that thousands of people marched in the streets in Afghanistan in support of Malala (the girl that was shot by the Taliban) and that they also showed there anger and contempt for those that did this.

In that respect, Malala my very well be the person to defeat the Taliban as by shooting her they have shown their true colors.
Sorry for the double post, the second comment refused to display even though I cleared the cache in FF and used F5 and everything.........
I would be useful to point out that the major source of terrorism in the world today is Islam. They marched in the streets of Pakistan but what did they do that was effective? Nothing. Islam is a religion that brings its followers to hate and jihad.
Some people are talking about Islam as if it is a new invention since ten, twenty or thirty years ago. They fool themselves that Islam is a 1430 years religion. No body can believe that there is a religion leads to hate and killing, this would be a gang of outlaws not humans. But trying to generalize the attitude of ignorant extremists over all the followers of Islam is pure misleading and completely unfair. Who made the massacres against muslims in Bosnia were Christians and in Burma were Bhudists. Terrorism has no religion. Trying to accuse Islam of ALL terrorism all over the world is not logic and unbelievable and no body can believe these lies.

bill_214 , I was surprised by your comment because it was nearly the actual truth. What I am sure of is that you read too much to know the truth. Some others are gaining their knowledge from the evening News and whatever the media put into their ears. God gave us BRAINS to use it and think of everything around us to reach the truth.

Let me point out that this book is very very special to me.

Right after the 911 atrocity, I was on a rampage against Islam and searching for dirt to throw onto Muslims. Then I found this book and it changed my life. This book started it all, my journey into Islam and a happiness and inner peace I had never known before.

Thanks to uploaders like you. Many people especially women have discovered Islam and are now living with a purpose to their lives instead of senseless automatons trying too gratify the deity of greed and materialism.

Islam is the most beautiful religion. That's why The Capitalist in the west are afraid of it. That's why they've made this whole gang whose job it is to kill and murder then phone the media and say the Taliban did it.

My afghan friend tells me that there are no Taliban except small isolated groups who call themselves mujahideen. The Taliban were all wiped out within months of the US attack on Afghanistan.
This friend tells me that the taliban are not Afghans but mercenaries from all over.
Killing women and children is considered extremely cowardly amongst the pashtoons tribals (the ethnicity of these supposedly taliban) The pashtoons are a warrior based society and have always fought and waged war on each other in their history but they have never involved the women. Women are fiercely protected by these proud people and men have taken the brunt in all the wars. A pashtoon would never actually 'phone' the media that they had killed an innocent, unarmed girl! They would rather keep quite about it even if they had done so by mistake. These are NOT pashtoons these are foreigners pretending to be pashtoons.

Another thing is that if these were real Taliban they would never bomb mosques and madrasas. It would be like a jewish religious student bombing a synagogue because he was angry at the Palestinians. Why would religious students (the taliban) bomb mosques and kill fellow pashtoons?

And since US drones also target mosques on a daily basis you can put two and two together.

The malala episode is just a drama which these fake taliban and the CIA have created to fool unwitting americans. The American govt is spending billions on arms (most of which is sold to the govt by companies owned by the likes of Dick cheney and the Bushes, so stopping this war is not good for business) In-fact didn't the US attack afghanistan because of Alqaida? Well you won't find any there now. In-fact you won't find any Arabs there.

But along the way somewhere the tune changed to taliban-fake fake fake and Afghans know it. Even Karzai keeps saying these taliban are foreigners. The Pakistan army has caught Indians-naplese and Sikhs disguised as taliban led by a jewish terrorist called Adam Ghadan who claims to be converted to Islam.

Some how America doesn't seem to find this particular so called Muslim very repulsive even though he called for the murder of American women and children. I've still to see a total all out campaign against this man but of course being their man they wouldn't want to make his face too popular. He appeared once on mainstream TV to make his murderous call-the CIA and mossad had probably failed to get a real Muslim to condemn women and children and they desperately needed American citizen's to support their murderous war, so in comes Adam Ghadan, conveniently converted to Islam at just the right time and whose family's hate for Muslims is no real secret.

My Afghan friend say she could strangle him with her hands for making such a cowardly call in her people's name. She hopes that he blows up in one of his own bombs.